Saturday, April 26, 2014


Molly was having kind of an okay week. It started off great with her pack of secret werewolf friends all banding together and trying to kill people. They actually liked the fact that she's the Brute. Too bad that blew up in their face and killed off everyone. Dodged that bullet. She did find a new friend though, so that's cool.

Kyle meanwhile was at home. He missed the Talent Show last night and he felt bad about it. He decided to lock himself in his bedroom, turn on some good music on some good headphones, and chill out in this Sanctuary all day.

Molly went downtown to her favorite restaurant. After a foiled attack yet again tonight, she went to a non-alcoholic bar. She saw the Town Drunk drink a lot, but since it was just club soda, their "drunken" rampage was foiled as well. She took a drink trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the night.

Then she promptly died. That Witch has got a wicked sense of humor.

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