
The following is a quick summary of each role with some instructions for the players with that role.

Alpha Wolf
At any point during the night, the Alpha Wolf can choose to kill another person in addition to whoever the werewolf pack wants to kill.

If you are the Alpha Wolf, you'll be added to a private werewolf thread on Facebook. Just let me know at night when you want to use your additional kill.


The Angel chooses someone each night to protect. This protection saves a person from a single werewolf attack that night. The Angel themselves always has this protection.

If you're the Angel, just let me know who you want to save. Try to not procrastinate though since I need to tell the Witch who's about to die after you send me your name.

Apathetic Lover

Doesn't die if their lover dies.

This role is entirely passive, so you don't need to worry about doing anything if you're the Apathetic Lover.


The Apothecary gets to give out two potions per night. The potion is a random one of following:
          1) immunity potion: they are immune from dying
          2) poison: they die
          3) a love potion: the become lovers with the Apothecary
          4) wine: they become a town drunk
          5) amnesiac: that person's can't do their nighttime effect
          6) truth serum: the person tells the Apothecary one of their roles (this one
               is half as likely as the others). I'll flip a coin to decide if the Apothecary learns about                               
               the primary or secondary role.

This is one of the roles where it's important to send me your names early. I need to know if someone has gotten an amnesiac early on.


The Apprentice starts off as a neutral role. However, the first time they are targeted at night, the action is negated and they take on the primary and secondary role of the person that targeted them. If it was the werewolf pack, I'll roll a die to decide which one they become. 

If you are the Apprentice, just wait patiently until you get targeted at some point. 

The Bartender has two powers. First, has to do with the Town Drunk. First, they know who he is, and are immune to his rampages. Also, if the Bartender is in Dungeon, Sanctuary, or otherwise incapacitated, the Town Drunk does not go on a drunken rampage. 

Second, the Bartender gets information about one random player each night. This information includes both their roles, their lover(s), and any previous votes. 

If you are the Bartender, it's an entirely passive role, so you don't need to do anything. 

This member of the werewolf pack has the ability, once per game, to ensure the werewolf attack goes through. Very few things can stop a Brute's attack.

If you are the Brute, just let me know when the werewolves attack that you'd like to use this power.

If Coroner is alive, cause of death will be written in the Blog. When they die, I'll just mention that people died but I won't say how.

If you are the Coroner, no worries. This is a completely passive role and you don't need to do anything with it.


The Cupid has the power, twice per game, to choose a pair of lovers. They can only choose a pair once per night, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the first two nights.

If you are the Cupid, let me know early in the day who you choose. I'll tell the lovers right away that they've been put together and it may affect their own nighttime actions.

Lovers are allowed to tell each other their roles and other lovers they may have. This alliance trumps all, including the werewolf pack. A pair (or triangle, or whatever) should do all they can to be among the last ones standing, even if it means killing off the other werewolves.


This person has a very contagious disease. Therefore, anytime they are targeted at night, the person who targeted them is bedridden the next night and can't wake up. If they are attacked by the werewolves, the entire pack is bedridden the next night. 

If you are the Diseased, don't worry about anything because it's a completely passive role.


During the first night, the Doppelgänger chooses someone. If that person dies, the Doppelgänger takes on both of their roles, meaning that they will then have three roles (two primaries and a secondary).

If you are the Doppelgänger, just let me know during the first night who you choose. Remember you have to outlast them in the game though.


If the Dreamer is undisturbed for a night (meaning, no one targets them at all), they will get a dream. This dream will include the names of three people, their primary roles, and their secondary roles, but the information won't tell them who has what role or which primary role is paired up with which secondary role.

If you are the Dreamer, you just need to anxiously await the dream that may or may not come at night.

Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master chooses someone each night to put into the Dungeon. When we're in a circle, that person can't talk, but I can't stop you from doing that in this setting. So, when we're online like this, the person in Dungeon simply can't vote the following day. I'll include this information in the blog.

The person in Dungeon is also protected from the Town Drunk and the Giant. The Dungeon Master always has this protection.

If you are the Dungeon Master, let me know anytime during the night who you choose. Kind of a lame role, sorry.


The Elder simply survives one werewolf attack. If a person is the Elder, they can't be a werewolf. Keep in mind that the Elder can be killed by other means like normal (Witch, voting, etc.).

If you are the Elder, it's a completely passive role so you don't need to worry about doing anything.


While Cupid is the god of love, Eris is the goddess of discord. So, they choose someone each night and that person becomes an apathetic lover with any current lovers.

If you are the Eris, let me know fairly early in the day who you choose.


When the Giant dies, the kill someone near them. When we're playing in a circle, they kill the person to their left, but here, they kill the next person in line alphabetically by first name. In other words, the kill the next person on the list on the "Information" page of this blog. Obviously, the list loops around, so if they're the last ones, they kill the person at the top of the list. Keep in mind that people in Sanctuary and the Dungeon are immune to the Giant's fall, and the Giant will kill the next person after them.

If you are the Giant, don't worry about taking care of anything. I'll do the logic and stuff for you.


The Governor may step in and save the person about to be voted off. They do this once per game, and tell the whole group that they are doing so.

If you are the Governor, I'll let you know after the votes are tallied who's about to die and you can tell me if you want to save them or not.

Grave Robber

The Grave Robber selects a dead person each night and steals their roles for that night. A single a grave can only be robbed once.

Once you select the person, I'll tell you what their roles were (if you don't know already). You then need to send me a name or whatever (so if you become a werewolf, send me the name of the person you want to kill, etc.). 


Anytime the Handsome is targeted at night, there's a 50% chance that negative actions will be canceled and that person will become lovers with the Handsome. The Handsome, however, is always an Apathetic lover in that situation. Keep in mind though, that the Handsome can be made lovers with other people by other means like normal (Cupid, Apothecary, Knight), in which case they are not Apathetic Lovers.

If you are the Handsome, it's an entirely passive role, so no need to do anything.


The Hunter does nothing until they die, at which point they cast their last arrow and kill someone.

If you are the Hunter, I'll let you know when you're about to die and you just need to tell me who you want to take out with you.


The Hypnotist chooses someone each night and that person can't perform their nighttime role. Instead of telling them that they are hypnotized, however, I'll let them do their nighttime role anyway, but I just won't have it go through.

If you are the Hypnotist, let me know early on who you choose. If you choose the Cupid, for example, I have to know to not tell the potential lovers about each other.

If the Innocent is voted off, no one can use their nighttime role the following night, except for the werewolves. If they are killed at night, the townspeople vote off two people that day. If they die indirectly (because of the Giant or the death of a lover), nothing special happens. 

If you are the Innocent, you don't have to do anything.


The Jester is unsure about what's going on during the voting, so they just vote the same as the next person alphabetically.

If you are the Jester, just don't send me a vote. Logistically, it makes more sense to just think of this role as the person after you in line getting two votes.

Key Maker

The Key Maker gives someone a key each night. That person is safely locked inside their house and cannot be targeted that night. They are also protected from the Town Drunk and the Giant. The Key Maker is always locked in their home and therefore always has this protection.

If you are the Key Maker, simply send me the name of one person each night.


The Knight automatically saves the first person of the opposite gender, that's about to die at night. This excludes deaths from lovers and being voted off. The Knight and the would-be-victim are then lovers.

If you are the Knight, you don't need to do anything to save someone. I'll just inform you that you saved the person and that you're now lovers.


Lycanthrope ("LIE-kin-throw-p") is an old word that just means "werewolf." As part of the pack, the Lycanthrope can decide, once per game, to turn the werewolf victim into another werewolf instead of killing them.

If you are the Lycanthrope, just let me know when the pack attacks someone that you'd like to use this power.


Every night, the Magician chooses someone and the following reversal effects happen to them:

          • Kills become saves

          • Saves become kills
          • Dungeon becomes the Sanctuary
          • Sanctuary becomes the Dungeon

Remember that this only happens to stuff that happens to the person rather than stuff that they do.

If you are the Magician, be sure to send me your name early in the day.


As the littlest member of the village, things fly right past the Midget. They are always immune to the Giant and the Town Drunk.

If you are the Midget, it's a completely passive role so you don't need to worry about anything.

Mirror Maker

Once per game you can hide behind your mirrors. This makes everything that is targeted at you deflect back at the person pointing at you.

If you are the Mirror Maker, let me know early in the day that you want to use this power.


When the Phoenix dies, they reincarnate and get two random roles.

If you are the Phoenix, congrats! You're the only one that gets an extra life! 

The Piper plays a haunting tune to someone each day and forces them to vote the way the Piper does. The person the Piper chooses isn't aware that their vote is being stolen.

If you're the Piper, it doesn't matter if you choose someone during the nighttime or during the voting day. Just let me know before you vote and you'll be good.


The Priest simply puts someone into Sanctuary each night. If a person is in Sanctuary, no one can vote for them and they are immune to the Town Drunk and the Giant. I'll put in the blog whoever is in Sanctuary.

If you're the Priest, just let me know at any time during the night.


The Prince survives being voted off once and, in turn, kills one person that voted for them.

If you are the Priest, I'll let you know that you're about to be voted off. I'll also give you the names of the people who voted for you so you can kill one. Once that decision has been made, I'll write the story on the blog.


The Samurai is paranoid about everyone. So, the first two times he is targeted at night, he lashes out and kills the person. Boom.

If you are the Samurai, no worries because it's a passive role.

As long as the Scribe is alive, I'll post who got how many votes. Once they die, I'll simply list the names of the people that got voted (in alphabetical order), and the number of votes. So instead of "Brandon: 7, Carlos: 2, Stephanie: 2, Marcos: 1" I'll just put "Brandon, Carlos, Marcos, Stephanie: 7, 2, 2, 1".

If you are the Scribe, it's a passive role, so you don't need to do anything.

Town Gossip
The Town Gossip is the most talkative member of the village. Anytime they are targeted, I'll put in the blog the role of the person that targeted them.

If you are the Town Gossip, don't worry about doing anything—it's an entirely passive role.

Town Drunk
The Town Drunk is role that I randomly assign to a player, in addition to the primary and secondary roles. The difference is that they're not aware that they are the Town Drunk.

Every night they go on a drunken rampage and kill one person within a 3-person radius of them (alphabetically). Note that several roles are immune to this rampage, like the Midget, Dungeon Master, Priest, Key Maker, Bartender, the person in Dungeon, and the person in Sanctuary. If the Town Drunk is in the Dungeon or Sanctuary or otherwise incapacitated, they can't get to the bar, so they do not go on a drunken rampage that night.

If you are the Town Drunk, you won't even know you are! There's nothing you can do about it!


The Traitor is a member of the werewolf pack, but they are trying to kill them off. Their goal is for the werewolves to win—but have themselves be the only werewolf.

If you are the Traitor, you're included in the werewolf thread. You have to use some good strategy to pull this one off though.

The Troublemaker has the power once per game to start a riot during the voting phase. When a riot is happening, the townspeople vote off an additional person.

If you are the Troublemaker, just let me know at any point during the voting day that you'd like to use this power.

Vegetarian Wolf
This member of the werewolf pack was once a vegetarian, and so they don't actually attack anyone. Therefore, if they are the last member of the pack (or if they are the only ones not hypnotized or otherwise incapacitated), the pack doesn't attack anyone at night.

If you are the Vegetarian Wolf, you are part of the werewolf thread and may be actively involved in the collaboration, but when it comes down to sending me the name of the person you want to kill, you can't do that.


This one is a little complicated. The Voodooist chooses someone each night. When that person dies, the Voodooist gets an extra vote. So for dead every player the Voodooist had already selected, that's how many extra votes they get. This comes from the idea that the Voodooist bewitches the dead people to show up to town meetings and controls their vote.

If you are the Voodooist, the idea is to pick people you think will die soon. If you're not sure, pick people you think you can outlast in the game. Send me your name at any point during the nighttime phase.

Werewolf Cub

This is the littlest member of the werewolf pack. If this person dies, the rest of the pack is enraged and kills two people the following night.

If you are the Werewolf Cub, you don't need to worry about anything other than collaborate with the other werewolves. Unfortunately for you, this power is only activated if you are killed.


The Witch has the power to save someone once and kill someone once per game.

If you are the Witch, I'll let you know who's about to be killed by werewolves. Since this information usually comes to me pretty late in the day, expect a message pretty late or early in the morning. You can kill anyone at any time of the night, however.


Each night, the Wizard chooses two people and jinxes them to look like the other for that night and following day. So if one of them is targeted, the effect goes to the other. This includes all nighttime targets, the Hunter, and voting. Lovers are not affected by this.

If you are the Wizard, it's very important that you send me the names as early in the day as you can. 

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