Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Soloist

Alex was brought forward in front of the podium at the Institute Building.

A smaller group of people were gathered there this time. They had lost a lot of friends the day before in freak accidents that mostly involved people dropping dead. Most of them didn't even know that could happen.

As Alex moved her way forward, she saw people with torches and pitchforks giving her dirty looks and gesturing with their fingers across their throats. Things looked grim for Alex.
"Alex", said the guy in charge, "you have been hereby called to be the branch choir soloist. All those who would like to support Alex in this calling, please do so by raising the right hand."  
Several people did. At that moment though, a small smile crossed Alex's face.
"Any opposed?"
At that point, Alex raised her hand. There was a bit of chuckling among the group. But Alex spoke,
"Me. I don't want to do this."
"Well of course you don't. That's the worst cal— 
"In fact, I don't have to because I'm… a Prince!"
 There was an awkward pause in the group.
"Uh…Alex, you're a girl. You can't be a Prince—"
"Fine, then a Princess! Whatever. Anyway. I don't have to do this. But, someone has to!"
She walked around the room slowly, looking at everyone around her.  People suddenly felt awkward holding the torches, and quickly put them out in the bathroom. Alex reached her decision.
"What? Why me?"
"Because word on the street is that you have a great singing voice and stuff. I don't know."
 The guy in charge, stood up again and spoke again.
"It has been proposed that Marcos be released as the Traitor and the Doppelgänger and be called to be the branch choir soloist. All in favor please raise your hands."
Only Alex raised her hand.
"That's all I need," said the guy in charge.
But at is turns out. Marcos did have a great singing voice. Almost immediately after his first time singing, he was whisked away to Broadway and he never stepped foot again in Athens. Weird how stuff like that happens, isn't it?

* * *

Here were today's votes
Alex: 4
Marcos: 1
Deb: 1

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