So it's been one week. In just seven days, the townspeople have gone from completely oblivious and incredulous to the werewolves' existence, to now completely paranoid, not to mention less than half the numbers. It's amazing what a pack of werewolves can do in a few days. Actually, it's amazing what love can do in a few days.
At this point, everyone is well aware there are werewolves running about. And this knowledge is clearly shown in the transformations the town is undergoing. Shops were closing and boarding up the windows, schools were called off with a warning to the children to not leave home, and police cars slowly and ominously roamed the neighborhoods.
Matt was sitting at home, alone. No one was out playing sports of any kind so he was basically out of a job until the werewolves were finished off. He didn't mind too much—there were a lot of shows he had to catch up on on Netflix.
As he scrolled through the TV shows he told himself he'd watch when he had the time, he couldn't help but thinking about the day. Just that morning, he was out for a jog (a little dangerous, yes, but he figured he could handle himself), and he saw sirens at the end of the street. When he got there, there were about half a dozen cop cars surrounding Deb in the middle of the street. She was out seeing if she could get some beef at a store, but for some reason, someone thought she looked a little suspicious. She was hauled off to the Dungeon and Matt didn't see her for the rest of the day.
So, back at home, showered, and again on the couch, Matt sat pondering the week's events. He decided he probably wasn't safe. If people are being arrested in the middle of the street for no reason, he figured the cops probably won't be able to help him if a werewolf attack did come. He headed for the woods behind his house and started digging.
An hour, several 2x4's, some electrical wiring, food rations, camouflaged cover, hidden traps, and one rifle later, Matt was set. He decided to take care of things his own way if things had to come to that point. He had built himself a Sanctuary and was not going to leave it until he or the werewolves were dead.
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