Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Old Folks and Animation

It was the beginning of a new week. Everyone, being well into the groove of the semester, headed to their usual classes and work. Jeff was in the middle of a big project for class and was hoping to land an internship with this animation project. It was kind of a big deal.
Meanwhile, Katie was down behind the Religion and Family History help desk working with an older gentlemen who, as lovable as he was, was driving her nuts because he didn’t understand how to work the printer. All the while, Michael was having a rough day, studying away in the Law Library. 
Jeff was finishing up what he could do on his own computer before heading to campus to use their fancy-schmancy expensive animation software. He was on his way to the HFAC, but stopped down on the second floor first to get some old photos of church leaders to use in his project.
Michael, fed up with studying, decided to call it quits. He had had enough of this law stuff for today, and decided to go somewhere more peaceful. As the Provo temple came into view, he couldn’t help but feeling safe. “I think I’ll do a marathon session today and stay all day.” He just felt like it was a good idea. Sure enough, he was in there all day. 
Jeff found what he needed to get. It was a little distracting, he thought, since some worker at the help desk was throwing fit. She was so fed up with old folks that she snapped and ended up smashed that big fancy printer they have down there. People were starting to stare. Katie was huddled in a corner muttering something about the French Revolution when the library Rent-A-Cop hauled her away to the dungeons. 
With his book in hand, Jeff headed to the HFAC and was planning on staying in the animation lab until close. He was so close to finishing! It was 10:45 when he heard the door open. “I know, I know,” he said over his shoulder, “the building closes in 15 minutes. I’ll be out of your hair here soon enough.” 
The door closed and he started saving his project and closing up. He didn’t hear the six werewolves in the room with him, and no one else heard his screams for help as they attacked. It was only a few minutes later when the HFAC security actually did come, did someone know what had happened…


  1. *Scream*! Joey, this is fantastic. Well played. So sorry, Jeff! I figured I'd be the first to go, and I know it's not fun. I hope you were a fun secondary or something!

  2. Katie yells through the dungeon walls the following... but no one heard:
    Just so you know... I love helping old people with printers!
    Perhaps I muttered, "let them have cake?"
    P.S. Do your family history everyone!

    P.S.S Joey you are amazing.

  3. Yes yes I'm sure all of us are very approving of the graceful narration of the evenings even- PEOPLE! MY ROOMMATE IS DEAD!!!! I won't have his lovable snoring to lull me into sweet dreams from whence nary a poor traveler may return...The click clack of his laptop has forever (probably) been stilled.

    We need answers. There is blood on someone's (six someones) hands (jaws?).

    I invite the guilty party to confess so that the world may enter into another era of serenity.

  4. I know that no one is going to read this, but I'm going along the assumption that the masses win and I am innocently killed.

    I do want to say that I'm fairly certain that Carson is a werewolf. A. he always his. B. the werewolves didn't kill him during the first round. C. He persuades others to believe that someone is a werewolf in order to get the masses to gang up on someone. D. as a werewolf, he has sway over a large mass of people [6 people, counting himself, being the werewolves] E. He claims he deduced from a short chat he and I had that I was a werewolf, when nothing I said could have been used to incriminate me.

    Beware who interrogates you at dinner groups...

    Avenge me, my fellows.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
